Blog | Gig Wage

Behind The Design Of Our New Business Cards

Written by Jarrod Ausborne | Feb 02, 2019

Let’s be honest, how many of us have been somewhere, and someone has asked: “ Do you have a business card?” and one of two things happens. You either don’t have one, or you have an ugly 1990’s card with just your necessary information on it. This can be a defining first moment to that potential business relationship you are looking for. So you have to come correct with your business card game.

With that being said we wanted to step our business card game up. In doing so, we had to take a look at our previous cards and ask ourselves does this speak to who we are and what we do.

As you can see they are nice for a regular payments company. But that’s not who we are. We are an innovative payments solution for businesses and contractors. So why not be innovative with our business cards.

Every great design begins with an even better story

— Lorinda Mamo

Dissecting Our Previous Design
Before solving the problem, you first have to define it precisely. We looked at our last cards, noted what we felt did not communicate our business and message well to our customers. This forced us to point out our shortcomings with our communication.

We did a little digging ( literally ) into our desk drawers and looked at every business card we had ever gotten. Highlighted what stood out to us and companies that communicated who they were well in their business card. Of course, we searched Dribbble as well as Behance for some creative inspiration to help guide our thought process and generate a better pallet to design from.

Start From Scratch
This means sketching. With all the inspiration we curated this gave us a great pallet to create from. Sketching this out gave us the freedom to create and make mistakes without feeling a sense of commitment to it. This also was the fastest way to render multiple solutions to help compare and vote against.

Start From Scratch
In the end, we felt this process allowed us to carefully craft the proper communication needed to help customers understand our business. Showcasing the impact that our company has on real people receiving payment, and creating a brand around the excitement we provide to businesses and contractors.

We take the cognition of our brand seriously and want to make sure the communication of who we are and what we do is infused in the work we do.